Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Changing Lives by just "Being"

I had a long conversation with Colleen, Lucas's mom, last night. We spent several minutes talking about how Lucas is changing lives by just "being"; being the person that God intended for him to be. He is a blessing to others by just being. Allow me to share the most recent example of this that happened Sunday, May 10th.

My friend Carrie called me Sunday morning. She asked if we were going to church that morning and if so, could I come into their class (she and her husband teach the 2 year old Sunday school class). Their oldest son, Owen(pictured above), who is 7, had something he wanted to give me. Obviously intrigued, I told her I would see her that morning.
Upon arrriving, Carrie told me that she had read the Blog of A Van for Lucas to Owen. Owen decided, then and there, that he wanted to contribute all of his money to our project. I knelt down and looked him in the eye. He explained to me that he had been collecting cans and bottles for over a year. He had saved $150.00 and some change. He handed me all of his money. In tears, I asked him if I could give him a hug. I was speechless...still am, really.
By just "being", Lucas has reached the heart of Owen. Owen reached out to me to donate his money. Our two boys who are 4 and 3 were there to witness Owen donating his money. Our oldest boy has mentioned this story to several other people since it happened. By just "being" Lucas is helping people reach a part of themselves that they, in the case of Owen because he is so young, may not have known that they possessed.

In speaking with Colleen last night, she shared with me that if enduring Lucas's multiple challenges means that people's hearts will be changed, that people will be reached and enlightened, then everything the last 5 + years has held for the Da Silva family is worth it.

We ended our conversation by saying that the story of Owen helping Lucas encapsulates exactly why God wanted A Van for Lucas brought to life. We don't have the van yet, but we will get it. In the mean time, individual people are being reached. Praises for changed lives. Praises that Lucas is being used in a way that is unique and inspiring.

Special thanks to Owen for his courage and ability to see an opportunity to help.

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